Friday, April 1, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

I'm not jobless! I am now an Attendance Secretary at a local high school. It's pretty fun thus far, I've only been there 3 days though so I still have to feel it out a bit.

Today when I got off work I got my second tattoo. It's a big pink bow on my left thigh. I'm absolutely in love with it but, boy did it hurt! On Thursday I donated plasma to make some extra cash to pay for it. I think with all these needles, and waking up early, I'm feeling really worn out!

Sometimes when you go (put yourself) through challenges, life gives you little reminders that it's all worth it. There are days where I have to take a deep breath and try REALLY hard to remind myself of that. However, tonight when I got home, someone else did the reminding. 

Carly was hosting a giveaway over on her blog from Amy of A is for Ampersand. Guess who won? Me! It was the perfect little pick-me-up! So thank you so much to both Carly and Amy, as well as True Random Number Generator (I couldn't have done it without you)! 

I will blog about my shiny, and swollen tattoo sometime tomorrow.

And just so you're not without photo, here is Jake and I. He is Matt's cousin's little boy. His shirt says "I cry when ugly people hold me." I think that speaks for itself.


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