Sunday, December 5, 2010

12/4: Forgiveness

I am Hannah; not a list of activities, or personality traits. I am more than summing myself up in one short sentence, or 5 long paragraphs.

I Forgive Myself; being anxious, being whiney, being unmotivated, expecting more, doubting, trying too hard, caring too much, shit that happened when I was 15, not being able to get over the drama.

I Forgive Everyone; saying 'fag', being unmotivated, not understanding, not taking the time, not appreciating, being selfish, lack of respect.

I am ((not)) totally free.. but I can work on it. I have been. It's challenging to forgive when you doubt yourself. I need to work on me before I can get to other people. I think I project the issues I have with myself on to other people, which I know most people do. As I was writing that list I found myself repeating many of the "myself" to the "everyone".



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